Free up your team from  information release requests

Slow the faxes, stop the calls, reduce the emails. Scanning Sherpas can help protect your office workflow by limiting chart request interruptions. Our services are completely FREE to you the Provider. Fifteen minutes to set up, contract free. 

Fewer emails, faxes, visits, and requests 

Put a stop to the endless calls, faxes and office visits. Greatly reduce interruptions to your team’s workflow and to your office space. We securely consolidate and deliver chart audits from multiple requesters into fewer visits to minimize the disruption to your practice.

Healthcare Facilities Served




Secure & compliant

Scanning Sherpas technology provides complete and transparent visibility into every step of the retrieval process. We are trusted by the largest and most visible requesters in the industry because we are constantly innovating secure and reliable solutions for all methods of medical record retrieval. Scanning Sherpas offers onsite, remote and automated API retrievals. 

Our experienced and trustworthy technicians become very familiar with your systems, your processes, and your people. This streamlines your chart audit process while also enhancing the safety of the release of PHI.

HIPAA compliant
Completely securing records is our first priority. Scanning Sherpa technicians are reliable, vetted and well trained for HIPAA and FWA compliance. Our proprietary technology reinforces best practices for chart retrieval and ensures their safe delivery. 

Fewer touches = more secure
Credentialing many different chart auditors from many different companies is a hassle. It also introduces an exponential security risk. Our partnership with you limits the number of individuals who have access to your charts. This not only streamlines your chart audit workflow, but it also enhances the safeguarding of your charts.

Encrypted at rest and in transit
Scanning Sherpas’ proprietary technology is designed to meet the specific challenges and requirements for retrieving and delivering protected health information securely. Our systems encrypt all EPHI both at rest and in transit. We never take your patients information off-premises in a paper or unencrypted format. When it comes to your charts and their security, our commitment is to meet and even exceed industry standards. 

Trusted technology and trusted people
We are a technology company making chart retrieval services seamless and safe for all parties involved. Our technology provides complete and transparent visibility  into every step of the retrieval process for  both our provider and requester partners.  Scanning Sherpas is always innovating to do our job better and to simplify your life. 

Did we mention there are no contracts, it's free, and you can be set up within 15 minutes?

We can start immediately. It is easy to start, and setup can be completed within 15 minutes. No multi-year commitments. We want you to use our services because of the value we bring to you as your partner. We work hard year in and year out.  We know you’ll want to keep working with us. Scanning Sherpas will save you time and energy by reducing your efforts to manage the chart audit workflow process. You can take all the credit and all the glory.  Let us help you relieve the burden and cost associated with chart reviews and get you back to focusing on the pressing matters that matter most to you and your office.

How does it work? 

Stop the calls and faxes

Scanning Sherpas can greatly reduce inbound and outbound calls, emails, and faxes between your office and all chart audit requesters. We take the crazy out of chart reviews. 

Not only does Scanning Sherpas assist providers, but we deliver tremendous benefit to the requesters of chart audits. For some requesters, we are even their exclusive solution to chart retrieval. We provide them with real-time tracking through a full set of portal and dashboard tools. Win! Win! Win!

Know what is happening

In your full-transparency portal, we concisely display each step of the audit process. 

View the status of all of your past, present and current chart audit requests in a centralized, easy-to-use portal.

Consolidate chart audit visits and credentialing

We work at your convenience to set up a time for the retrieval of multiple chart audits in a single visit. 

Our goal is to get in and get out quickly. We visit as sparingly as is possible. 

Real-time results and updates

From your Scanning Sherpas portal, you will be able to access the results of all of your chart audits. 

This information is powerful for your office as you prepare yourselves for upcoming audits.

Gain a technology partner

As we work together we can streamline and automate the retrieval process, saving you even more time and resources each month. 

Scanning Sherpas offers onsite, remote, and API automated retrieval solutions. All at no cost to you the provider.

Efficiency gains for your teams

We increase team productivity while cutting out the clutter. Here are a few ways we help your teams.

Single source tracking
Our portal will keep you in the know at all times.

Preserve office space
Take back your computers and your office space from too many auditors.

Onsite, remote or automated
Customize the method that works best for your offices.

 Single point of contact
No need for tracking and responding to all of the chart audit requests anymore.

Real-time results
View results of your chart retrievals.

Reduced scheduling
Consolidate all visits.

What our customers are saying

"With costs soaring it has allowed us to reduce staff and reduce copying costs. The process to submit chart review requests is seamless and easy to use. I appreciate all of the correspondence and tracking provided by the portal as well."

Jody Farnes | Practice Administrator

Desert Pulmonary & Sleep Consultants AZ

"We often found audits to be time consuming and frequently had difficulty scheduling on-site reviews. Once we joined Scanning Sherpas those frustrations went away. Whether sending an email or using the portal, the process is very simple, and communication is almost immediate. Scanning Sherpas keeps you updated throughout the entire process. This gives us the peace of mind that our audits are being handled in a timely fashion. Scanning Sherpas has already been able to make the process happen quicker than we were able to achieve."

Kristin | Clinical Records Supervisor


"I know several of our offices were very happy to learn of your copy services. Your employees have been courteous and great to work with, as well as efficient and helpful retrieving records, which saves our employees so much time. Your portal is user-friendly, which I greatly appreciate."

Julie Bernardini | Administrative Assistant

West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania

See it for yourself

  • We'll show you how this can be truly free and without restrictive contracts, yet fully compliant and secure.
  • Visualize what it means to streamline and consolidate your chart audit requests into a simple process managed by our team of professionals.
  • See how many hours we can save your team each week while giving you as much control over the process as you want.
  • Preview your dashboard and see how we'll work together to increase efficiency over time.

15 Min walkthrough

You’re in good company